Tuesday, 27 March 2018

【 TOUCH LEARNING 】- IELTS Preparation Course (JB | Sutera | Kulai | Mount Austin)

IELTS Preparation Course 

Taking the IELTS exam and achieving a good score is imperative if you are planning to study abroad at a university, or even immigrating to another country. If you are thinking about where to start, then an IELTS Preparation Course is the very best starting point.
Touch Learning's IELTS Preparation Course can help you understand what is required to achieve higher grades. Through guided analysis of previous exam questions, given by our qualified and experienced native English teachers, you will enhance your ability and increase your overall confidence.


The 12hrs, 2-4 weeks programme will fully prepare you for your IELTS examination. Apart from 12 hours of preparation course, two mock tests to assess your IELTS approximate band score before and after the course will be conducted and are included in this package.

By taking this course you will:
  • Understand the IELTS exam structure
  • Learn exam taking skills to boost your score
  • Learn how to manage your time effectively during the IELTS exam
  • Improve listening, reading, and writing skills
  • Improve your speaking through actual conversations with native teachers
  • Sit for a mock exam to get you used to an exam-condition environment

Course Details:

  • 12-hour course within a 1-month period.
  • 2 mock exams to test your approximate IELTS band score before and after the course
  • Limited to only 4 students per course
  • Highly-qualified teachers
  • Option to also register for the IELTS exam on the spot

Limited-Time Promotion:
Touch Learning's IELTS Preparation Course will be provided to a limited number of accepted students for an unbelievable promotional price of only RM920.00.

Course Benefits:
  • Listening: You will learn to read ahead, listen for the answers, and follow directions so that you don’t lose important points.
  • Reading: You will widen your vocabulary, learn commonly used words and phrases, and learn the techniques needed to find the answers quickly and without understanding the whole content.
  • Writing: You will understand the standard structure of English writing for the IELTS, learn how to manage your time wisely in the written section, get to know methods and phrases you will need to achieve higher scores, and be given assignments to further practice your skills.
  • Speaking: By knowing specific strategies and practicing for this section of the test, you will learn to relax and bring out the best in yourself on the actual exam. You will learn how to answer any interview question by planning beforehand.

Visit/ Call us today and take a FREE test to ascertain your level of English proficiency,
You will be able to finalize your IELTS course, and begin your new future with confidence.

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory - ( Mr. Ong )
Tel : 017-730 4893
Email : touchedu02@gmail.com

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

新山英语会话课程(五福城/ 古来/ 坡底)- 轻松有趣掌握英语 English course in JB

还在背英文吗?多元化学习环境 · 生活中掌握英文!

早前就有一项调查显示,马来西亚高达90%的人认为本地学生的英文程度有待改进。这是否意味着,无论学生花费了多少时间、金钱、精力去补习英文,到头来还是“说不出”、“不敢说”、和“不会说”?学好英文固然重要,其关键点在于如何有效学习。小编就发现新山这间 Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 与一般不同,这里不是补习班,没有采用传统式的方法,更没有为了迎合考试而学习英文的环境。他们抛开一般“工厂式”教育制度,以生动有趣的方式学习,从生活中轻松掌握好英文。

实行小班制度 x 时间自由安排

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 招生对象为16岁以上的SPM、STPM、UEC、毕业生及在职人士为主。这里不以年龄归类班级,而是以自身学习程度作为首要归类。实行一班不超过9人的小班制度,让每位学员充分受到英文老师的关心与指导。这里也另增设7-12岁小学组英语学习课程。

专业师资团队 x 打造英文环境


为打造一个全英文学习环境,Touch Learning & Edu Advisory的新山三间院校专聘请印裔英文老师,除了避免学生有中文思考的依赖性,也能让学生不排斥及习惯全英文环境。院校内共有七位拥有相关学士学位的印裔老师,以修读教育系为主。

探讨生活化课题 x 从学习音标开始

不盲目跟随学校教育制度编排课程,Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 打破沉闷的教学方式,以生动有趣的社会议题做教学题材,像是压力、名人故事、健康问题、家人感情等不同领域课题作为探讨。从生活中的琐碎小事至社会议题都会出现在课堂上,以实践生活中轻松学习英文的教学指标。

学习英文,不得不学习国际音标,只有掌握了音标才能学会英文的“听”、“说”、“读”。院校非常注重学生的音标准确性,采用了IPA(International Phonetic Alphabet)国际音标,在每一堂课之前,都会确保每位学员已正确掌握音标的正确发音哦!

多媒体学习环境 x 培养各方能力

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 在传统课堂里加入互动元素,以培养学生的综合能力。学员在课后可以运用Touch Learning中心提供的线上辅助学习系统,通过视频、录音等多元化教材观看日常短片以培养聆听和理解能力。院校也鼓励学生培养每天抽出15-20分钟的习惯,登入官网做简单的英文测试,包括英文交流、聆听、书写、语法、生字、发音等能力测试。生动有趣的网上学习方式,相信能增添几分效果!

教学课程记录 x 点击滑鼠就能追踪!

你是否曾面对遗失补习作业,或是老师延迟更改书本,导致你考试期间无法温习?而Touch Learning & Edu Advisory设有一个便捷平台,院校会把当天所学的教材全部上传至网上,方便学生重温与复习。

英语国际文凭 x 免费升学辅导

当然,语言中心也设有受用于世界各个大学英语入门门栏的 IELTSTOEFL及 MUET 等考前预备课程,让你在升学前轻松做好准备功课。不仅如此,这里还有提供免费国内外大学升学辅导咨询与报名手续,完全不必担心错过任何重要的步骤。升学辅导资讯也能让毕业生掌握与了解最合适自己的升学途径、热门科系和未来市场的职业需求资讯等,供明确方向的参考。

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 资讯:

➽ Lot 13.01 Level 13, Public Bank Tower, No.19, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, 80000 J.B, Johor
➽ 90B, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/4, Taman Sutera Utama 81300 Skudai, Johor.
➽ 205, Jalan Kenanga 29/2, Indahpura, KulaiJaya
➽ 7-02, Jalan Mutiara Emas 2A, Taman Mount Austin, 81100, JB

Touch Learning Centre - ( Mr. Ong )
Tel : ✆ 017-730 4893
Email : touchedu02@gmail.com

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

IELTS Preparation Course

IELTS Preparation Course in JB
​(JB - 雅思考试准备课程)

IELTS is the world’s most popular English test for university studies, work and migration purposes.
At Touch Learning, our IELTS courses concentrate on examination techniques and strategies aimed to maximise performance in the actual exam by familiarising learners with the format of the exam, as well as developing the essential exam skills via strategy training and practice activities.
We offer a 12 to 24 hours Intensive Preparation Course for the IELTS Examination (Academic & General module) in Johor Bahru in a maximum 4 learners per class.
The intensive course covers:

  • Reading Skills
  • Writing Skills
  • Listening Skills
  • Speaking Skills
Note: a FREE mock IELTS Test will be given to gauge learner's proficiency level before enrolling into this course - do ask our consultants for more information! - ( ✆ 017-730 4893 - Mr. Ong )

【 新山 IELTS - 雅思国际英语考试课程  

在寻找着 "IELTS 雅思英语国际考试培训课程" 吗?或想要到海外或者本地深造吗?
还是想考 "IELTS Academic/ General/ UKVI" 可是不知道怎么准备呢?

Touch Learning 开办了 IELTS Intensive Course ( 雅思国际英语考试密集课程 ),让您在最短的时间内掌握 IELTS 的考试技巧和信心~ 
●  课程时间: 12 - 24 小时 (Weekdays/Weekends)
●  课程内容: Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing 
●  班级人数: 小班制 (每班人数不超过4人)
●  学院地点: 五福城 (Skudai) / 新山坡地(Downtown JB) / 古来 (Kulai) 

​*当然必须先通过一次 FREE 的 IELTS 程度测试,等评估的结果和了解考试的弱点,才能安排课程喔*   
 Our Centre:
  1. Opposite City Square, JB
  2. Opposite Sutera Mall, Skudai
  3. Opposite Jusco, Kulai

Please contact our Education Consultant for more information :-
Touch Learning ( Mr. Ong )
Tel : +6017-730 4893  |  Email : touchedu02@gmail.com

English Course for Young Learners (儿童英語会话课程​)

English Course for Young Learners

Do you want to improve your child's English skills?
Listening | Reading | Writing | Speaking​

培养孩子的自信说英语最有效的方法就是为其创造一个浸入式的语言学习环境。Touch Learning 的儿童教学主要通过游戏 / 活动 / 模拟环境场景做为教学模式,让孩子们(年龄7-12)更容易融入环境和课题里的教导方式学习 "开口说英语" !!!
课程内容主要包括:文法,生字,会话,发音,写作,听力,句型结构,唱歌,团康,配对练习,角色扮演,句子重组,故事分享等等~ (通过创意互动教学激发孩子的学习兴趣,让孩子乐学英语,更自信与灵活地运用英文对话喔)。
➽ Contact:017-730 4893 ( Mr. Ong )

  • 课程年龄:7 - 12 years old
  • 上课时间:Friday / Saturday (一堂 @ 1.5 小时) 
  • 班级人数:小班制 (每班人数不超过12位) 
  • 学院地点:五福城 (Skudai) / 古来 (Kulai) 
  • 课程内容:文法、生字、会话、发音、写作、听力、句型结构、唱歌、团康、配对练习、角色扮演、句子重组、故事分享等等~
但首先我们会针对孩子学习需求度身定制儿童英语课程,如果有兴趣了解 / 体验一堂课,欢迎留言或联络:
➽ Contact:017-730 4893 ( Mr. Ong )

English Course for Young Learners

What is this programme?

Children at this age learn English easily and develop a solid language background. We have adopted a teaching style that is mostly based on communication, with fun and entertaining activities that make learning easier and more interactive.
This programme was carefully designed and planned for young children in improving their English foundation and is suitable for aged 7 years and above.
Through this course, young learners will acquaint themselves with the language and :
  • Develop Listening skills
  • Improve Oral Communication skills
  • Enhance Reading comprehension
  • Learn punctuation rules and conventions
  • Learn and improve Writing Skills
  • Understand Grammar Rules​

Class Duration:

Classes are on Fridays / Saturdays @ 1.5 hours per class.
  • Starters ( Level 1 ) - 11.00am to 12.30pm
  • Movers ( Level 2 ) - 1.30pm to 3.00pm
  • Flyers ( Level 3 ) - 4.00pm to 5.30pm
    (Timetables will be provided).

​Please call our Consultant for more detail information:
➽ Contact : 017-730 4893 (Mr. Ong)
➽ Email     : touchedu02@gmail.com

Our Centre:
  • Opposite City Square, JB
  • Opposite Sutera Mall, Skudai
  • Opposite Jusco, Kulai

JB Corporate English Training Course (公司/企业英语培训课程)


Corporate English Training Improvement Program


We have been delivering English Language Training at Companies and other organisations across the Johor Bahru. We are committed to work with you to identify and determine your organization’s human capital concerned issues, your intended goals, and the desired learning outcomes you would expect from our programs to match the critical success factors that ultimately improve your organizational business performance.
We cater for clients of all sizes. Whether you need language training for a few individuals or an entire workforce, we hope to be able to assist.
We leverage the talents of many professionals across a number of industries. 
Potential course facilitators are typically assigned to the various projects would be made available upon request.




Education Consultant: Mr. Wesley Ong
Tel : +6017-730 4893 |  
+6016-755 6388

Facebook/ Email : touchedu02@gmail.com 

英语会话培训课程 - General English Course



Learning a second language may be cumbersome for many, but here in Touch Learning Centre (TLEA), we made easier for everyone as we facilitate smooth and fun learning through a communicative approach to stimulate language learning. Our professional tutors will guide you through multitudes of effective phrases and vocabulary-enhancing activities that will enable you to introduce yourself and present confidently to anyone in any kind of setting. You will also learn question-formation and pronunciation, and your confidence will be boosted with each and every lesson that you attend.
This course is open for learners aged 15 and above.


【 英语会话培训课程 】
你在为英语不流利而烦恼吗? 或没有信心开口说英语?
学习英语就从这里开始啦!- 无论你是工作人士或学生,我们都能帮你加强英语能力!

● 上课时间:早、午,晚 - ( 自由选择性上课 | 一堂课进行为 1 小时 30 分钟 )
● 课程内容: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Presentation, Role-Play...
● 班级人数:小班制 (每班人数不超过9人)
● 学院地点:五福城 (Skudai) / 新山坡地(Downtown JB) / 古来 (Kulai)
*首先必须先通过一次 FREE 的英语程度测试 ,等评估的结果和了解语言上的弱点 , 才能安排课程喔*

快联络 / SMS 我们的辅导人员询问详情以及安排 "免费" 英语考试程度测试
● 热线:📲 017-730 4893 ( Mr. Ong )

Our General English Course is designed for learners to learn and covers the necessary major English language skills, which will:
    Focus on Listening, Reading, Speaking & Writing Skills
    Encourage and Improve Grammar, Vocabulary & Response Capability
    Cover Presentations, Role-Plays and Debates Skills
   ⇒ Learn features of English Stress & Intonation Patterns
Course Duration:
Subjected to each learner's learning capability and level, learners who undergo this course will attend either 2-12 lessons per week from Tuesdays to Sundays with 1.5 / 3 hours per day. As every learners are different, in personality, learning style, and goals, learners are required to sit for a FREE placement test first to confirm their level of English proficiency and also their learning capability before enrolling into this course.

Sample Class Schedule:
This course is conducted both Part-Time and Full-Time:
•  Morning (between 10:30pm - 1:30pm)
•  Afternoon (between 2:30pm - 5:30pm) 
•  Evening (between 6:30pm - 9:30pm)

Key Features of this Course:
  • Interesting and global topics ~ inspire learners to learn English and enhance general knowledge through presentations and debates.
  • Authentic audio featuring both native and non-native speakers, help builds learners’ ability to understand the natural English of international speakers
  • Covering Speaking Skills 
  • Covering Reading Skills
  • Covering Listening Skills
  • Covering Writing Skills
  • Develops Vocabulary Skills
  • Improves Grammar Skills
  • Focus on Inter-Culture

Visit/ Call us today and take a FREE assessment test to ascertain your level of English proficiency, so that we will know which level of English best fits for your needs.

Touch Learning Centre - ( Mr. Ong )
Tel : ✆ 017-730 4893
Email : touchedu02@gmail.com

( JB 英语会话课程与升学辅导中心 )
➽ Lot 13.01 Level 13, Public Bank Tower, No.19, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, 80000 J.B, Johor
➽ 90B, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/4, Taman Sutera Utama 81300 Skudai, Johor.
➽ 205, Jalan Kenanga 29/2, Indahpura, KulaiJaya

📲 WhatsApp/Call: 017-7304893 ( Mr. Ong )
📩 Email: touchedu02@gmail.com